Best Western Card Authorization PDF Details

When planning a stay at a Best Western hotel, understanding the intricacies of the Best Western Plus Credit Card Authorization Form is crucial for ensuring a smooth accommodation experience. This form facilitates a secure and efficient method for cardholders to authorize the hotel to charge their credit card for the costs associated with their or their guest's stay. It meticulously outlines transaction information, including the guest's name, the property name, arrival and departure dates, the confirmed amount to be charged, and the reservation's confirmation number. Additionally, this document requires the cardholder to provide detailed payment and verification details, including the card type, number, expiration date, and the cardholder's billing information. An explicit authorization note confirms that the cardholder gives permission for all stated charges and acknowledges the potential for additional amounts to be authorized for incidentals or other related fees. Moreover, the form delineates hotel policies regarding financial responsibility for guest-incurred charges and sets out requirements for a personal credit card or cash deposit at check-in. Notably, the form mandates the submission of a photocopy of the credit card along with the cardholder’s state-issued identification to validate the authorization. It includes clauses outlining the hotel's rights to deny approval and cancel reservations if verification fails. Such a comprehensive approach underscores the significance of accurately completing and submitting the form to prevent delays in guest reservation guarantees. This essential document underscores the importance of clear communication and proper planning between the hotel, the cardholder, and the guest to ensure a delightful hospitality experience.

Form NameBest Western Credit Card Authorization Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields28
Avg. time to fill out5 min 55 sec
Other namesbest authorization form pdf, best authorization form printable, best western authorization forms, best authorization form sample

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TRANSACTION INFORMATION (To be filled out by the hotel)

Guest Name:

Property Name:

Arrival Date:


Amount to be charged:

Confirmation Number:

Property Phone Number:

Property Fax Number:

Property Email Address:

PAYMENT & VERIFICATION DETAILS (To be filled out by cardholder)

Card Type (select one): American Express Discover MasterCard Visa

Credit Card Number: I __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ I Expiration Date: I ___ /___

Cardholder’s Name:

Company Name:

Cardholder’s Billing Address:

City, State, Zip:




Authorization Note: I authorize and acknowledge that all of the charges will be processed to my credit card as detailed above. I understand that an additional amount may be authorized for incidentals, end-of-event balances, or other related charges. This form is only valid for the reservation dates and guests listed above. A new form must be completed for any additional reservations or reservation extensions.

Hotel Policy: You are financially responsible for all charges incurred by your guest which may include damage fees and incidentals. We require that your guest provides a personal credit card or cash deposit at check in. If they cannot provide either, we cannot allow them to check-in. By selecting “All Charges,” you acknowledge that your credit card will be charged for the entire stay, taxes, and any incidentals incurred. By selecting “Room & Tax Only,” you acknowledge that your guest will provide a form of payment for incidentals and if they fail to present a credit card or cash deposit upon arrival, they will not be permitted to check-in until secondary payment method is presented.

Additional Documents Required: The hotel requires a photo copy of the credit card and cardholder’s state issued identification before this form is approved for use. Please send both required documents with this authorization form.

Verification: The hotel reserves the right to deny approval of this form for any reason. All information included on this form must be accurate for verification purposes. The hotel will use this information to contact the cardholder. Denial may occur if the hotel is unable to reach the cardholder or if the hotel cannot verify the information. At such time, we reserve the right to cancel all associated reservations without notification.

Select one:

All Charges

Room & Tax Only

Cardholder’s Signature:



Date Signed:




Please fax or email this completed for to the property listed above. All sections must be filled in for the form to be accepted by the hotel and may cause a delay in guaranteeing your guest’s reservations.


Received by: _______________________ Verified by: _____________________ Verification Date: ____________

How to Edit Best Western Credit Card Authorization Form Online for Free

Our top computer programmers worked hard to design the PDF editor we're extremely pleased to present to you. This app helps you quickly fill out best western card authorization and will save you precious time. You just need to try out this particular guide.

Step 1: Choose the "Get Form Here" button.

Step 2: At the moment, it is possible to edit the best western card authorization. This multifunctional toolbar will let you add, get rid of, alter, highlight, and also undertake many other commands to the words and phrases and fields inside the document.

To be able to fill in the best western card authorization PDF, enter the information for each of the sections:

best western credit card authorization gaps to fill in

Type in the necessary data in the segment Verification The hotel reserves, Select one, All Charges, Room Tax Only, I I, Cardholders Signature Date Signed, and FOR HOTEL USE ONLY Received by.

Completing best western credit card authorization part 2

Step 3: Hit the button "Done". Your PDF document may be exported. You can upload it to your pc or send it by email.

Step 4: You should create as many copies of your file as possible to avoid possible issues.

Watch Best Western Credit Card Authorization Form Video Instruction

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